Friday, February 10, 2006 | 5:59 AM
انتخاب يک host برای يک سايت ASP.NET
تهيه ليست ملزومات مورد نياز يک برنامه
اولين مرحله برای انتخاب يک host ، شناسائی ملزومات مورد نياز يک برنامه است .
برنامه مورد نظر به چه ميزان فضا نياز دارد ؟ در صورتی که قصد ارائه صوت و تصوير بر روی يک وب سايت وجود داشته باشد ، می بايست يک host را انتخاب نمود که دارای امکاناتی مناسب برای ارائه فضای ذخيره سازی مورد نياز باشد.
برنامه مورد نظر به چه ميزان پهنای باند نياز دارد ؟
برنامه مورد نظر از چه نوع بانک اطلاعاتی استفاده می نمايد ؟ در صورتی که در رابطه با انتخاب اکسس و يا SQL ترديد داريد ، قطعا" SQL يک گزينه مناسب تر در اين رابطه خواهد بود .
بانک اطلاعاتی استفاده شده در برنامه به چه ميزان فضا نياز دارد ؟ معمولا" مراکز ارائه دهنده خدمات هاستينگ تعرفه خدمات خود را بر اساس ميزان فضای ذخيره سازی بانک اطلاعاتی بر حسب مگابايت در مقابل فضای ذخيره سازی فايل ها بر حسب مگابايت ، ارائه می نمايند .
آيا برنامه مورد نظر به گواهينامه های SSL به منظور پردازش ايمن کارت های اعتباری نياز دارد ؟
آيا به دريافت mail از يک دامنه يکسان نياز است ؟ اکثر مراکز ارائه دهنده خدمات هاستينگ سرويس های Email رايگانی را ارائه می نمايند . در اين رابطه لازم است بررسی لازم در خصوص تعداد صندوق های پستی ارائه شده و امکانات و ويژگی های مديريت mail با هدف ميزان انطباق آنان با خواسته های شما به دقت صرورت پذيرد .

بررسی دقيق کانديداها و انتخاب يک host نهائی
پس از اين که تعداد کانديداها به چهار تا پنج مورد محدود گرديد ، می بايست عمليات انتخاب host را با بررسی جزئيات بيشتری دنبال نمود . در اين رابطه می توان سوالات متعددی را از host کانديد شده مطرح تا در نهايت و پس از آگاهی از پاسخ آنان بتوان يک host مناسب را انتخاب نمود . در زمان انتخاب يک host در اولين مرحله تمايل داريد که با نحوه کار کردن با آنان بيشتر آشنا شويد . آيا نحوه برخورد آنان مناسب است ؟ نحوه و سرعت پاسخگوئی آنان به سوالات مطرح شده به چه صورت است ؟ پاسخ های آنان از لحاظ فنی تا چه ميزان صحت دارد ؟
زمانی که يک مرکز ارائه دهنده خدمات هاستينگ نمی تواند در جذب مشتری موفق عمل نمايد ، قطعا" در ارائه خدمات به مشتريان و حفظ آنان نيز موفق عمل نخواهد کرد .
در ادامه با برخی موارد مهم به منظور سنجش ميزان قابليت و توانمندی يک مرکز ارائه دهنده خدمات هاستينگ بيشتر آشنا می شويم :
Backup : در اين رابطه لازم است با جزئيات استراتژی تهيه backup توسط مرکز ارائه دهنده خدمات هاستينگ بيشتر آشنا گرديد. در چه مقاطع زمانی و به چه صورت از فايل های سيستم و بانک های اطلاعاتی backup تهيه می گردد؟ در صورت بروز يک مشکل خاص چه مدت زمانی طول خواهد کشيد تا اطلاعات backup گرفته شده restore گردند ؟
Reliablity : در اين رابطه لازم است با زيرساخت مرکز ارائه دهنده خدمات هاستيتگ بطور مختصر آشنا گرديد. آيا آنان دارای پهنای باند ارتباطی مناسبی به اينترنت می باشند ؟ استفاده از تجارب ساير افراد و موسساتی که قبلا" وب خود را در اينگونه مرکز host نموده اند ، می تواند موثر واقع شده و فاصله بين شعار های جذب مشتری با واقعيت های موجود را واقعی تر نمايد .
بکارگيری و مديريت :در زمان عملياتی نمودن يک برنامه و استقرار آن بر روی يک مرکز ارائه دهنده خدمات هاستينگ ، اکثر مراکز فوق امکان دستيابی FTP و يا FPE ( اقتباس شده ازFront Page Extensions ) را در اختيار شما قرار می دهند ( و يا هر دو ) . FPE دارای اولويت بيشتری نسبت به FTP است . ويژوال استوديو دات نت 2003 دارای امکانات مناسبی به منظور انتقال يک پروژه بر روی يک سرويس دهنده از راه دور با استفاده از FPE است .( ويژوال استوديو 2005 همچنان از FPE حمايت می نمايد ) . مراکز ارائه دهنده خدمات هاستينگ با استفاده از FPE قادر به ارائه يک کنترل پانل به منظور مديريت مسائل مرتبط با برنامه های وب از طريق يک اينترفيس مبتنی بر وب می باشند . پيشنهاد می گردد در ابتدا و قبل از عقد هرگونه قراردادی از نسخه آزمايشی کنترل پانل به منظور آشنائی با قابليت های برنامه استفاده گردد .
برای سرويس دهنده SQL ، يک مرکز ارائه دهنده خدمات هاستينگ می بايست امکان اتصال مستقيم به سرويس دهنده را با استفاده از ابزارهائی نظير Visual Studio .NET, Enterprise Manager و يا Query Analyze در اختيار شما قرار دهد . در صورتی که مرکز ارائه دهنده خدمات هاستينگ صرفا" يک اينترفيس وبی را ارائه می نمايد ، ممکن است در زمان استفاده از ابزارها و اسکريپت های استاندارد در زمان نصب ، نگهداری و بهتگام سازی بانک اطلاعاتی، مشکلات خاصی ايجاد گردد .
آمار : آشنائی و اطلاع از آمار ترافيک روزانه يک سايت بسيار حائز اهميت است . اکثر مراکز ارائه دهنده خدمات هاستينگ گزارشات از قبل آماده شده ای را از لاگ های سرويس دهنده وب در اختيار شما قرار می دهند تا با استفاده از آنان بتوان تعداد مراجعه کنندگان به يک سايت را تشخيص داد . پيشنهاد می گردد از host مورد نظر يک نسخه از اين نوع گزارشات را دريافت و بررسی نمائيد که گزارشات فوق تا چه ميزان منطبق با خواسته های شما می باشند . گزارشات شامل referrers ( چگونه بازديدکنندگان به سايت شما آمده اند ) و خطاهای 404 ( زمانی که يک لينک بد وجود داشته باشد ) بسيار مفيد می باشند.برخی از مراکز ارائه دهنده خدمات هاستينگ فايل های log خام را در اختيار شما قرار داده تا با استفاده از آنان بتوان گزارشات دلخواه را توليد نمود .
امنيت : در اين رابطه لازم است مسائل امنيتی مرتبط با host مورد نظر به دقت بررسی گردد . برای برنامه های وب نوشته شده با استفاده از فنآوری ASP.NET بسيار حائز اهميت است که مرکز ارائه دهنده خدمات هاستينگ از ويندوز 2003 استفاده نمايد که به خوبی patch شده باشد . پيشنهاد می گردد از مرکز ارائه دهنده خدمات هاستينگ سوال شود که چگونه و در چه زمانی نسبت به رفع اشکالات امنيتی ، اقدام می نمايد .
نيازهای خاص : آيا برنامه مورد نظر از عناصر و يا سرويس هائی خارج از فريمورک دات نت استفاده می نمايد ؟ آيا آنان مرتبط با MSXML 4 و WSE 2 می باشند و يا اين که هر شب می بايست يک فعاليت زمانبدی شده اجراء گردد؟ در صورتی که پاسخ به سوال فوق مثبت است از مرکز ارائه دهنده خدمات هاستينگ سوال شود که آيا عناصر و سرويس های مورد نياز بدرستی بر روی سيستم نصب و پيکربندی شده اند ؟
ساير سرويس های رايگان : اکثر مراکز ارائه دهنده خدمات هاستينگ عناصر و کنترل های رايگانی را به همراه پکيج هاستينگ ارائه می نمايند . تعداد زيادی از کنترل ها رايگان می باشند. بنابراين لازم است پکيچ پيشنهادی مرکز ارائه دهنده خدمات هاستينگ با دقت و حساسيت خاصی بررسی گردد . برخی از مراکز ارائه دهنده خدمات هاستينگ سرويس های اضافه ای نظير SQL Server Reporting Services را با تعرفه مناسبی ارائه می نمايند .
پس از بررسی مراکز ارائه دهنده خدمات هاستينگ در جهت تامين اهداف مهم و حياتی يک برنامه می توان نسبت به انتخاب نهائی يک host اقدام نمود . قبل از هر چيز لازم است که متن قرارداد تنظيم شده به دقت مطالعه گردد و اطمينان حاصل شود که در صورت ضرورت ارتقاء پلن ، اين امر امکان پذير خواهد بود . سابقه حضور موفقيت آميز يک host در عرصه ارائه خدمات هاستينگ، می تواند به عنوان يکی از شاخص های مهم ميزان موفقيت اينگونه مراکز مورد توجه قرار گيرد ، چراکه مشتريان با حق انتخاب خود امکان حضور چنين مراکزی را در عرصه ارائه خدمات هاستينگ نخواهند داد .
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[Anonymous Anonymous] [7:18 AM]
The Rolling Stones cancel a gig in Hawaii and postpone other tour dates as Mick Jagger suffers throat troubles...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [7:19 AM]
The Rolling Stones cancel a gig in Hawaii and postpone other tour dates as Mick Jagger suffers throat troubles...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [10:31 AM]
The judge who put coded messages in his Da Vinci Code plagiarism trial ruling has written another...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [1:29 PM]
Microsoft and Peter Jackson postpone the making of a film based on the Halo video game after backers pull out...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [1:30 PM]
Microsoft and Peter Jackson postpone the making of a film based on the Halo video game after backers pull out...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [4:11 PM]
The first stage of a �150m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [4:11 PM]
The first stage of a �150m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [7:20 PM]
London-born rapper Sway is to be honoured at the BET Hip-Hop awards in the US...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [7:21 PM]
London-born rapper Sway is to be honoured at the BET Hip-Hop awards in the US...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [10:32 PM]
The Rolling Stones postpone a show in the US to allow singer Sir Mick Jagger time to rest his voice...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [10:33 PM]
The Rolling Stones postpone a show in the US to allow singer Sir Mick Jagger time to rest his voice...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [1:44 AM]
Alec Baldwin asks for his voice to be removed from an "unfair" documentary about Arnold Schwarzenegger...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [1:44 AM]
Alec Baldwin asks for his voice to be removed from an "unfair" documentary about Arnold Schwarzenegger...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [5:18 AM]
Veteran game show host Bob Barker is stepping down from hosting The Price is Right after 35 years...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [5:18 AM]
Veteran game show host Bob Barker is stepping down from hosting The Price is Right after 35 years...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [8:50 AM]
Classical singer Russell Watson postpones his forthcoming UK tour after undergoing brain surgery...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [8:51 AM]
Classical singer Russell Watson postpones his forthcoming UK tour after undergoing brain surgery...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [11:54 AM]
Microsoft and Peter Jackson postpone the making of a film based on the Halo video game after backers pull out...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [3:25 PM]
Microsoft and Peter Jackson postpone the making of a film based on the Halo video game after backers pull out...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [6:29 PM]
The judge who put coded messages in his Da Vinci Code plagiarism trial ruling has written another...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [6:30 PM]
The judge who put coded messages in his Da Vinci Code plagiarism trial ruling has written another...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [9:47 PM]
Social networking site MySpace is to block users from uploading copyrighted music to its pages...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [9:49 PM]
Social networking site MySpace is to block users from uploading copyrighted music to its pages...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [12:36 AM]
Social networking site MySpace is to block users from uploading copyrighted music to its pages...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [12:37 AM]
Social networking site MySpace is to block users from uploading copyrighted music to its pages...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [3:42 AM]
Veteran game show host Bob Barker is stepping down from hosting The Price is Right after 35 years...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [3:42 AM]
Veteran game show host Bob Barker is stepping down from hosting The Price is Right after 35 years...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [6:51 AM]
London-born rapper Sway is to be honoured at the BET Hip-Hop awards in the US...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [6:51 AM]
London-born rapper Sway is to be honoured at the BET Hip-Hop awards in the US...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [10:20 AM]
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (�22m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [10:21 AM]
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (�22m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [1:15 PM]
Jonathan Ross is dubbed "risque" by Ofcom but not in breach of rules over an interview with David Cameron...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [4:37 PM]
William Styron, whose Holocaust novel Sophie's Choice became a film and an opera, has died, aged 81...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [4:37 PM]
William Styron, whose Holocaust novel Sophie's Choice became a film and an opera, has died, aged 81...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [7:20 PM]
William Styron, whose Holocaust novel Sophie's Choice became a film and an opera, has died, aged 81...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [7:20 PM]
William Styron, whose Holocaust novel Sophie's Choice became a film and an opera, has died, aged 81...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [10:28 PM]
A musical about the witches from The Wizard of Oz breaks West End box office records, its producers say...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [10:28 PM]
A musical about the witches from The Wizard of Oz breaks West End box office records, its producers say...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [1:08 AM]
Colombia's vice president is "baffled" by Kate Moss's success following cocaine allegations...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [1:10 AM]
Colombia's vice president is "baffled" by Kate Moss's success following cocaine allegations...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [4:40 AM]
The judge who put coded messages in his Da Vinci Code plagiarism trial ruling has written another...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [4:42 AM]
The judge who put coded messages in his Da Vinci Code plagiarism trial ruling has written another...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [7:42 AM]
The judge who put coded messages in his Da Vinci Code plagiarism trial ruling has written another...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [7:42 AM]
The judge who put coded messages in his Da Vinci Code plagiarism trial ruling has written another...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [11:13 AM]
Jonathan Ross is dubbed "risque" by Ofcom but not in breach of rules over an interview with David Cameron...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [11:13 AM]
Jonathan Ross is dubbed "risque" by Ofcom but not in breach of rules over an interview with David Cameron...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [2:05 PM]
Veteran game show host Bob Barker is stepping down from hosting The Price is Right after 35 years...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [2:06 PM]
Veteran game show host Bob Barker is stepping down from hosting The Price is Right after 35 years...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [4:49 PM]
Pop trio Atomic Kitten will reform to play a concert in support of jailed Liverpool football fan Michael Shields...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [7:30 PM]
Record company EMI sign a deal with the estate of crooner Dean Martin to use the singer's likeness...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [7:30 PM]
Record company EMI sign a deal with the estate of crooner Dean Martin to use the singer's likeness...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [10:49 PM]
Colombia's vice president is "baffled" by Kate Moss's success following cocaine allegations...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [1:42 AM]
The Rolling Stones cancel a gig in Hawaii and postpone other tour dates as Mick Jagger suffers throat troubles...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [1:42 AM]
The Rolling Stones cancel a gig in Hawaii and postpone other tour dates as Mick Jagger suffers throat troubles...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [4:33 AM]
A musical about the witches from The Wizard of Oz breaks West End box office records, its producers say...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [4:34 AM]
A musical about the witches from The Wizard of Oz breaks West End box office records, its producers say...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [7:16 AM]
The Rolling Stones cancel a gig in Hawaii and postpone other tour dates as Mick Jagger suffers throat troubles...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [7:17 AM]
The Rolling Stones cancel a gig in Hawaii and postpone other tour dates as Mick Jagger suffers throat troubles...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [10:15 AM]
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (�526) each to donate to a charitable cause...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [10:16 AM]
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (�526) each to donate to a charitable cause...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [12:50 PM]
The first stage of a �150m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [12:51 PM]
The first stage of a �150m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [3:44 PM]
A musical about the witches from The Wizard of Oz breaks West End box office records, its producers say...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [3:46 PM]
A musical about the witches from The Wizard of Oz breaks West End box office records, its producers say...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [6:18 PM]
The Rolling Stones cancel a gig in Hawaii and postpone other tour dates as Mick Jagger suffers throat troubles...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [9:22 PM]
London-born rapper Sway is to be honoured at the BET Hip-Hop awards in the US...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [9:23 PM]
London-born rapper Sway is to be honoured at the BET Hip-Hop awards in the US...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [12:46 AM]
Madonna says she may adopt another child from abroad following her proposed adoption of a Malawian boy...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [4:19 AM]
Classical singer Russell Watson postpones his forthcoming UK tour after undergoing brain surgery...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [4:21 AM]
Classical singer Russell Watson postpones his forthcoming UK tour after undergoing brain surgery...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [7:25 AM]
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (�526) each to donate to a charitable cause...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [7:26 AM]
TV host Oprah Winfrey gives audience members $1,000 (�526) each to donate to a charitable cause...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [11:11 AM]
Doctor Who takes three prizes at the National Television Awards in a repeat of its success last year...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [11:12 AM]
Doctor Who takes three prizes at the National Television Awards in a repeat of its success last year...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [2:12 PM]
Microsoft and Peter Jackson postpone the making of a film based on the Halo video game after backers pull out...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [2:13 PM]
Microsoft and Peter Jackson postpone the making of a film based on the Halo video game after backers pull out...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [4:44 PM]
Doctor Who takes three prizes at the National Television Awards in a repeat of its success last year...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [9:13 PM]
Classical singer Russell Watson postpones his forthcoming UK tour after undergoing brain surgery...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [9:15 PM]
Classical singer Russell Watson postpones his forthcoming UK tour after undergoing brain surgery...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [11:44 AM]
Alec Baldwin asks for his voice to be removed from an "unfair" documentary about Arnold Schwarzenegger...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [11:44 AM]
Alec Baldwin asks for his voice to be removed from an "unfair" documentary about Arnold Schwarzenegger...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [5:58 PM]
William Styron, whose Holocaust novel Sophie's Choice became a film and an opera, has died, aged 81...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [6:01 PM]
William Styron, whose Holocaust novel Sophie's Choice became a film and an opera, has died, aged 81...
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[Anonymous Anonymous] [4:38 AM]
The Rolling Stones postpone a show in the US to allow singer Sir Mick Jagger time to rest his voice...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [4:39 AM]
The Rolling Stones postpone a show in the US to allow singer Sir Mick Jagger time to rest his voice...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [7:49 AM]
Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen reportedly signs a $42.5m (�22m) film deal starring his character Bruno...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [10:47 AM]
Veteran game show host Bob Barker is stepping down from hosting The Price is Right after 35 years...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [10:48 AM]
Veteran game show host Bob Barker is stepping down from hosting The Price is Right after 35 years...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [2:08 PM]
Pop trio Atomic Kitten will reform to play a concert in support of jailed Liverpool football fan Michael Shields...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [2:09 PM]
Pop trio Atomic Kitten will reform to play a concert in support of jailed Liverpool football fan Michael Shields...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [8:32 PM]
Veteran actor William Franklyn, known for voicing the 1960s Schweppes TV adverts, dies aged 81...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [8:33 PM]
Veteran actor William Franklyn, known for voicing the 1960s Schweppes TV adverts, dies aged 81...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [11:19 PM]
The judge who put coded messages in his Da Vinci Code plagiarism trial ruling has written another...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [11:20 PM]
The judge who put coded messages in his Da Vinci Code plagiarism trial ruling has written another...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [2:25 AM]
Alec Baldwin asks for his voice to be removed from an "unfair" documentary about Arnold Schwarzenegger...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [2:25 AM]
Alec Baldwin asks for his voice to be removed from an "unfair" documentary about Arnold Schwarzenegger...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [5:10 AM]
The first stage of a �150m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [5:10 AM]
The first stage of a �150m investment in regional museums is praised for boosting visitor numbers...
[Anonymous Anonymous] [8:33 AM]
The Rolling Stones postpone a show in the US to allow singer Sir Mick Jagger time to rest his voice...

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